Felicia Dunston | Book Author

Our Blogs

1. Take a Drink

God let your living water flow out of our belly to cleanse, refresh, quench our thirst for you, to bring every dead thing to life, and impact those we come in contact.

2. What's your Narrative?

The chatter within and verbal can change an atmosphere.

Also, words can speak facts but with a wrong spirit because we didn’t do a heart check.

Elijah could’ve asked God why he had to hide, or why can’t the brook sustain in drought, or why send me to a place where a woman doesn’t have enough food.

Instead he heard safety, provision, sustaining, victory!

What’s your Narrative?

3. Slide Down, You're Covered

It’s a long slide with no rails, and seems vertical with a little bump going down, but He bids you to come.

You’re in His safety.

You’re abiding under His shadow.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your understanding; just acknowledge Him…He’s moving you into purpose .

Now you did it, and made it to the bottom.

Provider covered.

Healer covered.

Way maker covered.

Problem solver covered

4. Release God

God, thank you for purifying the hearts of your people.

Job acting funny, family acting funny, etc., its a test. Release it, keep our minds on Him for that inner peace and them watch God move you to the next dimension, promotion, etc.

Sing in a strange land.

Grace and peace!

5. Work in the Vineyard And there is Rest Too

Some of you, especially in leadership are drained, tired, and weary. Some are sitting at events, church, etc. in exhaustion.

Take time to shabbat shalom…REST. For some God may place you on a shabbat shalom so your body can be strengthened.

Rest brings recovery to a worn down body. Get a jolt of energy to revive your body. God rested on the seventh day…Genesis 2:2

Jolts of shabbat will cause energy to flow to your brain and other organs. Sleep can help manage your blood pressure. Also, it can help you think clearly and increase creativity.

Please Get Rest!

6. Did You Underestimate Your Child

We must be careful how we treat children. Your oldest child has been around longer of course, then another child comes along. Prophetic words and declarations have been spoken over the younger ones life with many people to acclaim.

The older child didn’t receive the same acclamations. Thoughts may cross your mind that the older child was a tare growing among the wheat. (Matt 13) He or she is ‘bad’. You took both to church, but no two children are the same….comparisons shouldn’t be. Years later, the one you thought was a tare is still a wheat, maturing, and embodying the fruit of the Spirit.

Please remember God will do the separating and His insight is pure…you may have underestimated your child.

Just simply love them.


Hidden, is in the middle of the eye, when chaos is all around.
God has given His favor. God within us. God revealed in us.
You’ve been mistreated and talked about without a cause, but keep moving forward. There is nothing He hasn’t seen or doesn’t know. If you’re complaining then we’re focusing more on the issues than Him.
Staying focus to move into victory. Breakthrough is nigh.

8. Build Up A Person

Plant seeds in a persons present that one day will become their past.
His presence manifested in you helps to build a person to the next level.
Build people up.

9. Are You a Witness?

Will you try to be politically correct to a culture or a true witness of God?
You shall receive power after the Holy Spirit comes upon you. Acts 1:8
It’s time to manifest His power.

10. Go Ahead

Get excited about Jesus.
Come with an expectation.
What will you do to see Him.
Luke 19:4
Zaacheus ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree.
Go ahead.

11. Jump Start - your battery needs it

Just as you would jump start a car to provide life to a battery in need or change the battery, it’s a new beginning to move into purpose; it’s a jump start.
Whether it’s a need to revive or awaken, beauty begins within, and your light can no longer be hid under a bushel but it must shine when walking into your destiny.

12. Is your vision distorted? Let's get clear

Clarity doesn’t use yesterday’s vision to see today.
Prophet Samuel would’ve anointed the wrong person to be king based on history, or a pattern of a type of appearance. 1 Samuel 16
Divorce the past to receive clarity.
Refuse to participate in gossip.
What you see isn’t always what it is. God is truth, not what a person has or hasn’t done.
Let’s get clear.

13. Connections Connections

Its acceleration time. The most critical point in a relay race is when both hands are on the baton. Also, the baton is used by a conductor to direct.
God has or will place people in your life to fulfill a purpose; His purpose. Instructions, impact, and impart for kingdom because Purpose is bigger than You.
PLEASE don’t drop the baton

14. Changing your thoughts will change your atmosphere.

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Isaiah 26:3

15. Don't Bring Lot Along in 2024

Genesis 13:8-13. Abraham and Lot separated to avoid any future strife.
Abraham didn’t receive the overflow until he let go of the dead weight.
Anything or person can be dead weight. Let it go. Its time for overflow.

16. Move in Silence

You can’t share everything about what God shares with you. Walk in discretion. Discretion, understanding, and wisdom cause you to be covered and hidden in God.
When this is lacking, it can cause unnecessary warfare. When you’re hidden, the enemy can’t locate your position. Some of your closest friends can become envious and trigger the warfare. Also, refrain from self-idolatry moves you quicker to your destination.
Joseph’s dream placed him in the hot seat with his family. Genesis 37
Many blessings and miracles are coming but silence and filters may be needed.
Stealth mode

17. You're Never Alone.

GOD is with you.
Through the river but it won’t overflow you.
Through the fire, but you won’t be burned or smell like smoke
Isaiah 41:10
10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
Look for the miracle

18. What Does Your Heart Say?

Its in the heart posture. When you’ve warred so much, you have a tendency to thunder sometimes.
God would remind that its not by might or power but by my Spirit saith the Lord.
It’s a heart posture of a bowing, being prostrate, or kneeling that begins a humbling before God to bless you.
David lied, pretended to be crazy, murdered Uriah, slept with a married woman, etc.
His heart posture, not gifting, goodness, or anything he did caused God to bless him.
Its simply His grace, mercy, and love.


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